Monday 5 December 2016

Hands-ful of Love

"We cannot be together."
He just snapped and left.

With those trembling feet, she tried to follow him but couldn't keep up the pace.
"Why?" She shouted while sobbing.

As usual, he didn't answer.

She choked on her breathe, gasping heavily.
She just waited lost in time, hoping he will come back soon.

After running away for long, their memories didn't let him forget her.
He came back after some time.
She rejoiced for a moment.

And again he left her for no reason.
Again she tried to stop him.
This game of 'unite' and 'split' never ended.

Even today Hour and Minute keep meeting each other like forever and they both depart like ever.

Who is their reconciler?

Maybe time knows better... 

                                                - MindMallows

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