Monday 26 December 2016



It often happens when we get so confused about what to do in future, we look for various ideas and career options on various websites. Though we know ourselves better than anyone else, we still want to know what is best suitable for us. Then there is this best option of ‘know your personality’ and we go on surfing Google for taking such personality tests.
Here, I have known some of the best sites to take such psychological tests regarding various parameters of our life-

1.  The Myers & Briggs Foundation

Pioneers of 16 MBTI personality types, this official website of Myers & Briggs personality tools will provide you with accurate facts about your personality along with expertise evaluation. Remember you need to buy the MBTI tool before you take it. 

2.  123Test

This site provides very much accurate type of yours including various other personality tests. *Talking out of experience.*
Click the link to take the test -

3.  16Personalities

Well. I have nothing more to say; you have to check this website by yourself. It’s amazing! Click here
 Let me mention this- you will definitely get a detailed report card.

4.  Truity

Here, you can go on surfing number of tests relating to different personality aspects with elaborative results.
It’s fun and equally relevant.

There are few other websites too…
If you know some more of the best let us know in comments.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Monday 5 December 2016

Hands-ful of Love

"We cannot be together."
He just snapped and left.

With those trembling feet, she tried to follow him but couldn't keep up the pace.
"Why?" She shouted while sobbing.

As usual, he didn't answer.

She choked on her breathe, gasping heavily.
She just waited lost in time, hoping he will come back soon.

After running away for long, their memories didn't let him forget her.
He came back after some time.
She rejoiced for a moment.

And again he left her for no reason.
Again she tried to stop him.
This game of 'unite' and 'split' never ended.

Even today Hour and Minute keep meeting each other like forever and they both depart like ever.

Who is their reconciler?

Maybe time knows better... 

                                                - MindMallows